RG40 Thermal Wastewater Evaporator
34 Gallons/128 liters Hour – High Efficiency
Reduction RG40 Run Dry Wastewater Evaporators are economical wastewater disposal solutions for aqueous waste steams up to 34 gallons per hour. They can be fueled by natural gas or LPG.
Our Run Dry Wastewater Evaporator technology allows the unit to be run dry, without damaging the evaporator, to reduce the waste stream to a fraction of the original volume.
With a maximum tank capacity of 225 Gallons/850 Liters, the DRG 40 wastewater evaporator offers highly efficient waste water disposal with automatic operation.
All DRG wastewater evaporators have as standard CRA (Chloride Resistant Alloy) evaporation chamber wettable surfaces.
Reduction wastewater evaporator technology is used for a wide range of waste water disposal needs, including parts washing, metal fabrication, printing shops, ceramic wastes and vehicle and building washing applications.
The RG40 evaporates up to 34 gallons/128 liters per hour and is fueled by a natural gas or LPG burner.
The RG40 is a “Run Dry” unit that can be run until dry without damaging the evaporator and completely evaporates the wastewater to reduce the waste stream to a fraction of the original volume.
Options for Reduction Wastewater Evaporators include:
Clean out trays, spreader bars, advancing media filters, condensers for water recovery and custom accessories.
All Reduction LLC evaporators and accessories are free standing. Installation is plug and play for a fast and easy start up.